All California employers are required to have a site-specific COVID-19 Prevention Program (CPP) that includes safety procedures to reduce the risk of exposure to an identified pandemic. This program is required in addition to or as part of an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP).
Here’s how to create your COVID-19 Prevention Program
Your prevention program outlines the specific control measures you put in place to protect employees, what employees need to do to protect themselves and their coworkers, and how to respond to COVID-19 in the workplace - isolated cases, close contacts, and workplace outbreaks.
Step 1
Download and modify the model COVID-19 Prevention Program for your business operations.
Updated February 2023, to include Cal/OSHA revisions to these regulations
Step 2
Add the appropriate addendum if you provide transportation and/or housing to your employees:
Step 3
Save your plan and put it into action right away. Also, be sure to print it out, and share it with your employees.