Four customer service representatives assisting policyholders on phones and online
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How can we help you?
- If you have a question about your State Fund policy please visit This helps ensure your question gets to the right department.
- Members of the media, please email us.
- If you need assistance with State Fund’s IIPP Builder℠ or State Fund's Online Safety University℠, contact our Safety Support Unit or call toll free at (800) 675-2667.
- If you have a question about workplace safety, training or seminars, want to suggest a topic for us to cover, or have any other questions about the site, please fill out the form below.
The above evaluations and/or recommendations are for general guidance only and should not be relied upon for medical advice or legal compliance purposes. They are based solely on the information provided to us and relate only to those conditions specifically discussed. We do not make any warranty, expressed or implied, that your workplace is safe or healthful or that it complies with all laws, regulations or standards.
State Compensation Insurance Fund is not a branch of the State of California.