Parcel Delivery Drivers
Parcel delivery drivers have a special set of risks including driving, loading/unloading, lifting, carrying loads, and climbing in/out of the vehicle. Not to mention animal bites, slippery surfaces, inclement weather, and other dangerous conditions they also face. Being prepared on and off the road is essential to working safely.
Truck Driving
Staying safe behind the wheel of a big rig involves keeping up with maintenance, getting plenty of rest, and being aware of your surroundings. Read the articles below for ways to help keep your drivers safe on the road.
Stay Alert and Awake Behind the Wheel
Drowsy driving reduces your awareness on the road and increases your chances of getting into an accident. In the link below, read about the danger of drowsy driving and some tips on how to avoid it.
Winter Driving – Stay Safe Behind the Wheel
Whether it’s rain, wind, snow, sleet, ice, or all of the above, driving in the wintertime is a challenge – especially for those who drive for a living. Click below for some safety tips on how to manage the unpredicatable conditions and to arrive to your destination and back home safely.
Rail and Air Transportation
The nation’s railways and airports are critical parts of our transportation system. Workers are needed 24/7 and in all types of weather. Read about the safety concerns they face and ways to address those risks.
General Transportation Safety
As an employer, you can’t always be with your employees when they travel for business. But you still want them to be safe. Read about ways they can protect themselves while at work and on the road.
Safe Driving To, From, and For Work
Many of us commute by car to and from work, some of us travel on company business, while others drive for a living like truck drivers. Click on the links below for safe driving information to help your employees get to and from their destinations safely.
Additional Information and Publications
From agriculture and construction to wildfire and young workers, Cal/OSHA provides many educational materials and resources.