Parcel delivery drivers have a special set of risks including driving, loading/unloading, lifting, carrying loads, and climbing in/out of the vehicle. Not to mention animal bites, slippery surfaces, inclement weather, and other dangerous conditions they also face. Being prepared on and off the road is essential to working safely. Encourage your employees to plan their route, drive safely, and prepare for the physical activity by stretching first.
Parcel Delivery Driver Safety

Grab and Go Training
These short training materials are designed for parcel delivery drivers and their busy schedules. Each item was created to make it easy for drivers to grab the information they need and go back to work.
Training for Your Employees
Proper training is an important aspect of keeping delivery drivers safe on the job. From package handling and lifting, to vehicle inspection and safe winter driving, we’ve got resources to help. Take a look at our training videos and safety meeting topics and share with your employees for a safer work environment.
Loading and Unloading
Loading and unloading is one of the most difficult aspects of the job. Packages vary widely in size and weight. Moving around in cramped spaces makes handling these packages more difficult. Learning how to move these packages more safely and efficiently can help prevent injury.
On the Road
Driving safely is essential for parcel drivers, and so is being prepared. Planning the trips in advance, knowing road conditions, and ensuring that the vehicle is operating smoothly are good practices for every driver. These helpful topics can keep drivers safe while on the road.
Parcel delivery drivers are an important part of how we get our goods delivered in today’s fast-paced environment. Ergonomic solutions for these drivers include adjusting the vehicle for the right fit, safely entering and exiting, handling packages properly, and avoiding slips, trips, and falls.