State Fund’s IIPP Builder℠
Preparing your Cal/OSHA-required Injury and Illness Prevention Program—or IIPP for short—is your first step to a safer workplace. State Fund’s IIPP Builder℠ can help you build your IIPP fast, easily, and for free!
Get started now

Start here if you are a current policyholder. You need a State Fund Online account to log in. If you bound your policy directly from us, you will already have an account. If you don’t remember your username and password, you can reset it.
If you bound your policy through your broker you’ll need to set up your account. For help, see How to Register for State Fund Online. Here are some benefits of creating your IIPP in State Fund Online:
- You can save your program and access it any time to edit or update.
- You can create additional plans for different locations.

Start here if you are a guest without a State Fund policy. We are pleased to offer this tool for free to policyholders and non-policyholders alike – our goal is to help you create a safer workplace.
Here are some things you need to know about using the IIPP Builder guest tool:
- Once you create your IIPP, be sure to save it as a PDF to your computer – you will not be able to access it again later.
- The application will time out after 20 minutes of inactivity and will not save your work. You will get a warning after 15 minutes.
Information you need to get started
You'll need to have the following information available to complete your IIPP:
- Your current safety procedures (you’ll need them to help answer some of the questions).
- Identify who in your business is responsible for managing your safety program.
- Have your business contact information ready to enter into the IIPP.
- You must have a written COVID-19 Prevention Program (CPP), use the IIPP Addendum, this CPP template, and attach both to your IIPP.
Once done, you must inform your employees of their right to receive a copy of your written IIPP.
Learn more about IIPP
“Having an IIPP is essential and gave me a starting point for talking about safety with our team. State Fund’s IIPP BuilderSM enabled me to create an effective safety program quickly and build it around our work processes and hazard controls.”
- Keona Fulcher, Human Resources General Manager, Cornerstone Delivery Service, Riverside CA
The above evaluations and/or recommendations are for general guidance only and should not be relied upon for medical advice or legal compliance purposes. They are based solely on the information provided to us and relate only to those conditions specifically discussed. We do not make any warranty, expressed or implied, that your workplace is safe or healthful or that it complies with all laws, regulations or standards.
State Compensation Insurance Fund is not a branch of the State of California.